The soft sandy ground and warm temperatures in Jacksonville allow a perfect environment for moles. Moles continuously dig tunnels in search of food because they need to eat every couple of hours. 

mole Control

mole trapping

The use of mole traps is a valid control option but requires the knowledge and expertise of wildlife professionals. Property owners facing mole problems should not hesitate to contact the mole removal personnel at Trutech, who can remove troublesome moles in the most efficient and humane ways possible.


Keeping moles out of yards and gardens often entails modifying the landscape to make it inhospitable. This can be accomplished by removing access to food sources like worms, grubs, and larvae in the soil, or by compacting the soil with a heavy roller to make digging too difficult. Moles can be kept away from garden plots by installing fencing buried at least a foot into the ground, as well.


Moles rarely enter homes or damage structures. Molehills and tunnels are the persistent problem. It is possible to compact the soil of a tunnel with your foot. You can remove the excess dirt from a molehill and fill with 50/50 mix of sand and soil.

moles in your yard

When moles enter homes, it’s typically by accident. Most infestations occur outdoors in gardens and yards. Since the pests are known for their tunneling behavior and live primarily in underground burrows, they generally need to stay outside in the soil. Nevertheless, residents may find moles in the house in basements and cellars from time to time. In most of these cases, the moles are invading older homes with dirt floors, cracks in the foundation, or gaps in the basement windows and panes.

Signs of mole Infestation

Did you look outside your house only to notice that the beautiful grass in your yard has been replaced by unsightly, uneven ground? This oddly deformed landscape is more than likely due to moles making tunnels just underneath the surface. Moles love to spend all of their time under the cold, wet, grass, looking for nutritious treats like earthworms and grubs. Since moles are very territorial, there are typically only 1 or 2 moles present on a property at once, however, a single mole can tunnel up to 100 feet within a single day causing a lot of lawn damage.

Problems with moles

Mole Damage

Gardens, farmlands, grassy fields, and golf courses all suffer the effects of mole infestations.

Gardens can be destroyed in no time by an infestation of moles, as a single pest can tunnel one foot per minute in the right soil conditions. While they don’t eat plants, moles do destroy their roots as they tunnel. Additionally, moles dig deeper into the ground for sleeping, mating, and riding out extreme weather. These can be as deep as 24 inches and cause sections of a yard to cave in.

Health Hazards

Moles are known carriers of rabies, which is typically transmitted to humans through the saliva of infected animals. While moles tend to be shy, they will bite if they feel confused, threatened, or when they’re handled. However, people are more likely to contract a mole disease from the pests that live in their fur. Ticks and fleas can carry Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, anaplasmosis, and tularemia.

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